Does drinking apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?
With quarantine being almost over and all the ‘glow up’ videos resurfacing the web. It’s hard not to look down and emm.. question where the muffin belly came from? (me trying to ignore the fact that I am eating pringles now)
It can get tough, your next-door neighbor glew up, and all of a sudden you regret spending your days, in bed, watching ‘MONEY HEIST’ and ordering pizza for lunch. You might be looking at quick fixes to get those toned abs before you go back into work/school. And, you probably came across all those “apple cider vinegar made me lose 40lbs weight in one week!” but did it really Karen? I doubt.. so off I went to investigate anyway and I tried it out for myself.
This is me trying apple cider vinegar for the first time! EXCUSE ME WHO THE fudge cake INVENTED THIS DRINK FROM HELL?? I mean I think even hell would offer better drinks than this? This thing literally tastes like spoiled apple juice diluted with old socks (don’t ask me how I know how that taste) but I do have to admit, it got better. After a long 3-weeks of trying, I was able to drink it without having my eyes twitch 6000 times. Important information: Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, it weakens tooth enamel leading to sensitivity, decay, and cavities. What can you do? Make sure to drink it through a reusable straw. Here is my recommendation: (affiliate link)
So if the drink is so disgusting, why do we drink it? While there isn’t a study that directly confirms that apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight. Apple cider vinegar is known for helping with digestion, making you feel fuller, reducing bloating and many more benefits which I talk about in this video:
My point is all these benefits aid weight loss. So it’s definitely worth a try. My exact measurements are shown in this 3-minute video. However, I must say that during those 30 days, I also did several workout challenges from Holly Dolke and Chloe Ting. So I can’t exactly pinpoint the direct cause of my weight loss but rather assume that it’s the combination of meal prepping, acv, and working out. I think it’s important to acknowledge that while so many people are having great results, they are also following a strict diet and a workout plan.
Find out more about the benefits and disadvantages of apple cider vinegar from this video: